Story Warren Roundup

I've been lax in linking to articles I've written for, so here's a roundup of the most recent:

Un-Ironically Whole Hearted

(I really wanted to title this one "On the Importance of Being Earnest."

"Irony is foreign to children. For them, chocolate is simply wonderful. Naps are simply awful. Tantrums are to be thrown with the abandonment of a dervish. And when they are a little bit happy, they’re jumping-up-and-down happy. Because whatever they do, they’re naturally all-in. Whole-heartedly."

Christ and Creativity

(An updated review of one of my favorite books.)

"Several times throughout this book Card tells a story about Jesus that I thought I knew and, with a deft twist of the glass, shows me a Jesus I never recognized. Not just a healer of the sick and fixer of the broken, but an Artist. And not just The Painter of a Thousand Sunsets, but a sidewalk chalk-artist at work in the dust of a small-town."

The Story Goes On

"Why do we read stories? Why do we read SAD stories? Why do we do this to ourselves when there is already too much sadness in our lives?"

Narnian Equality

"For reasons I don’t understand, the ideas of equality and sameness are often confused. We find it hard to believe that two things, or genders, or decisions, or people, can be sharply different and yet equally good – Even if God made them that way."

Thanks for reading along!